Semi quaver
Semi quaver

semi quaver

One Quarter note is equivalent to 2 Eighth note, or 4 Sixteenth note, or 8 Thirty-second note, or 16 Sixty-fourth note, or 32 One hundred and twenty-eighth note One Minim is equivalent to 2 Crotchet, or 4 Semiquaver, or 8 Semiquaver, or 16 Demisemiquaver, or 32 Hemidemisemiquaver, or 64 Semihemidemisemiquaver

semi quaver

One Half note is equivalent to 2 Quarter note, or 4 Eighth note, or 8 Sixteenth note, or 16 Thirty-second note, or 32 Sixty-fourth note, or 64 One hundred and twenty-eighth note The whole note (Semibreve) has no stem and no flag. One Semibreve is equivalent to 2 Minim, or 4 Crotchet, or 8 Semiquaver, or 16 Semiquaver, or 32 Demisemiquaver, or 64 Hemidemisemiquaver, or 128 Semihemidemisemiquaver One Whole note is equivalent to 2 Half note, or 4 Quarter note, or 8 Eighth note, or 16 Sixteenth note, or 32 Thirty-second note, or 64 Sixty-fourth note, or 128 One hundred and twenty-eighth note The double-whole note (Breve) has no stem and no flag. One Breve is equivalent to 2 Semibreve, or 4 Minim, or 8 Crotchet, or 16 Semiquaver, or 32 Semiquaver, or 64 Demisemiquaver, or 128 Hemidemisemiquaver, or 256 Semihemidemisemiquaver One Double-whole note is equivalent to 2 Whole note, or 4 Half note, or 8 Quarter note, or 16 Eighth note, or 32 Sixteenth note, or 64 Thirty-second note, or 128 Sixty-fourth note, or 256 One hundred and twenty-eighth note One hemidemisemiquaver is equivalent to two semihemidemisemiquavers One demisemiquaver is equivalent to two hemidemisemiquavers One semiquaver is equivalent to two demisemiquavers One quaver is equivalent to two semiquaves One crotchet is equivalent to two quavers One semibreve is equivalent to two minims One breve is equivalent to two semibreves One sixty-fourth note is equivalent to two one hundred and twenty-eighth notes One thirty-second note is equivalent to two sixty-fourth notes One sixteenth note is equivalent to two thirty-second notes One eighth note is equivalent to two sixteenth notes One quarter note is equivalent to two eighth notes One half note is equivalent to two quarter notes One whole note is equivalent to two half notes One double-whole note is equivalent to two whole notes The hook (or flag) determine some note durations. The stem support the hook and determine some note durations. The stem (or tail): If the stem points up from a note head, the stem start from the right side of the note, but if it points down, it start from the left. The note-head whose position on the stave actually sets its pitch, can be open (white) or closed (black). To determine the duration of a note, each note sign is composed of three distinct parts: The note-head, the stem (or tail) and the hook (or flag). Music notes have a pitch but also a duration.

Semi quaver